Students in the Partners in Caring: Medicine in Kenya program watch the sunset in Kasigau, Kenya on June 4, 2016.
The view of the mountain that overlooks Kasigau from the camp where students in the Partners in Caring: Medicine in Kenya stayed in the summer of 2016.
Children in the village of Kasigau, Kenya blow bubbles with the assistance of Western Kentucky University senior Katlyn Wathen, 21, while students are on a break from working in local medical clinics on June 4, 2016.

Dr. Allen Redden performs a routine checkup on a patient at a clinic in Kasigau, Kenya on June 2, 2016.
Churchgoers pray during a service in Kasigau, Kenya on June 5, 2016.

Local children take a break in the shade in Kasigau, Kenya on June 4, 2016.
WKU student Gabby Ringenberg, 23, shakes hands with a patient in a clinic in Kasigau, Kenya on June 2, 2016.

Western Kentucky University senior Katlyn Wathen, 21, leads students at the local school in Kasigau, Kenya to the school yard to play kickball June 6, 2016.
Suzanne Payne helps students paint with watercolors at a school in Kasigau, Kenya on June 7, 2016.

Students in Kasigau, Kenya wait their turn to play kickball on June 6, 2016.
Western Kentucky University student Katherine Citak, 20, in her tent in Kasigau, Kenya on May 31, 2016.
View of the Milky Way from Kasigau, Kenya on June 6, 2016.

A lilac-breasted roller, the Kenyan national bird, perches on a branch in Tsavo East National Park on June 11, 2016.